Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:05 PM
-Sara Agintas, 43, admits to downing 12 'small' cans of lager a day while expecting her sixth child, but wants a £14,000 NHS gastric bypass
-Complains she put on weight after each birth because she found it 'too hard to diet' and says exercise 'hurt'
By Jill Reilly
A mother-of-six is demanding an NHS weight loss operation, despite admitting she has spent her life binging on junk food.
Sara Agintas, tips the scales at a hefty 33 stone, but insists tax payers should fork out for the £14,000 operation because she’s now too fat to work and can't fit on a plane seat to go on holiday.
Mrs Agintas, 43, from Milton Keynes, admits to downing 12 'small' cans of lager a day when she was pregnant, but complained in Closer magazine, that she put on weight after each pregnancy because she found it 'too hard to diet' and says exercise 'hurt.'
Wearing a size 36-38, she used to spend up to £200 a week on takeaways, but admitted 'I can’t work because I’m too fat to fit in an office chair and can only stand for two minutes at a time.'
Part of the reason Mrs Agintas wants to downsize, is because she wants to go on holiday, but would need two seats on the plane.
She is mother to Gemma, 25, Lauren, 21, Thomas, 18, Sam, 13, Hannah, 12, and Zoe, nine.
Her husband and six children receive £17,000 a year in benefits.
Mrs Agintas first became pregnant aged 17 by her boyfriend of just a few months.
She said she was delighted by the pregnancy because she had always looked forward to being a mother, and at 6ft, she was 15st.
But it was then that she developed unhealthy cravings for junk food that saw her weight go up and down, throughout the next five pregnancies.
Family values: Sarah Agintas, pictured with her husband Halbin, is mother to Gemma, 25, Lauren, 21, Thomas, 18, Sam, 13, Hannah, 12, and Zoe, nine - but says it was her pregnancies which forced her to binge on junk food
'I ate a jar of pickled onions a day, followed by three cakes and three packets of crisps. For dinner, I’d have two pork chops with veg followed by two Big Mac meals – I ate for two!,' she told Closer.
She moved into a one-bed council flat when she split up with her boyfriend a few months after becoming pregnant.
After giving birth to Gemma, Mrs Agintas weighed 16st and claims she applied for 15 jobs, but gave up looking for work and turned to cheap junk food when she was unsuccessful.
Her weight crept up to 20st in 1990, when she was aged 21 and she measured a size 24.
Then she met a new partner and moved into his three- bedroom council house, quickly falling pregnant with her second child, Lauren.
She gained three stone as her eating habits spiralled out of control, and in one average day she would down three Pot Noodles – at 400 calories a go – two sausage rolls and four packets of crisps.
When she had her third child, Thomas, two years later, she weighed 28st and would think nothing of having four thickly buttered slices of toast for breakfast.
She even fell through the stairs in her house, forcing the council to reinforce the floor.
Mrs Agintas admits doctors insisted that she needed to restrict her food intake and make a drastic change to her diet, but she found it too difficult.
Her children have been raised on a diet of junk food and Mrs Agintas said: 'They ate what I ate – pasties and crisps. I was lazy – it was easier to phone for a takeaway than cook. I gave them chips four times a week,' she told the magazine.
In 1993, Mrs Agintas split with her boyfriend, who left her for another, skinnier woman and was forced to move the family into another three-bed council house.
But her broken heart was mended three years later, when she met her current partner bricklayer Halbin.
After a whirlwind six month romance, the couple were married, although Mrs Agintas could not afford a big enough wedding dress, so was forced to wear a size 30 trousers and blouse.
It was then she began having takeaways meals five nights a week, totalling an eye-watering £200 for the family.
In 1998, she ballooned to 38st after giving birth to fourth child Sam – in the last few months of the pregnancy she gorged on a 24-pack of chocolate bars every day.
Pregnancy: Mrs Agintas says she developed a craving for junk food when she was pregnant and her children raised on a diet of junk food and said 'I was lazy - it was easier to phone for a takeaway than cook. I gave them chips four times a week'
She developed high blood pressure due to her unhealthy lifestyle, although she did not have any complications during her pregnancies.
When Sam was a baby, she joined a gym, but admitted she would only do five minutes of exercise and then would then go home to a fish and chip meal afterwards - although she still lost 6st taking her down to 32st.
But, in 1999, she piled 2st of the weight back on by the time she had given birth to her fifth child Hannah.
At 34st, Mrs Agintas gave birth to her sixth and final child, Zoe in 2003.
She admits to drinking up to 12 small cans of Heineken a day- 50 units a week- for the last few months of her pregnancy - but insists it was safe because she had watered it down with ice.
Mrs Agintas, who’s now 33st, has tried to encourage her family to eat healthier, but she now suffers from arthritis, diabetes and asthma and believes a gastric bypass is her last and only option.
'I can’t afford a personal trainer or weight-loss surgery – I need help from the taxpayer. I know it’s my fault I’m fat, but my pregnancy cravings meant I couldn’t stop eating,' she told Closer.
source: dailymail
-Complains she put on weight after each birth because she found it 'too hard to diet' and says exercise 'hurt'
By Jill Reilly

Sara Agintas, tips the scales at a hefty 33 stone, but insists tax payers should fork out for the £14,000 operation because she’s now too fat to work and can't fit on a plane seat to go on holiday.
Mrs Agintas, 43, from Milton Keynes, admits to downing 12 'small' cans of lager a day when she was pregnant, but complained in Closer magazine, that she put on weight after each pregnancy because she found it 'too hard to diet' and says exercise 'hurt.'
Wearing a size 36-38, she used to spend up to £200 a week on takeaways, but admitted 'I can’t work because I’m too fat to fit in an office chair and can only stand for two minutes at a time.'
Part of the reason Mrs Agintas wants to downsize, is because she wants to go on holiday, but would need two seats on the plane.
She is mother to Gemma, 25, Lauren, 21, Thomas, 18, Sam, 13, Hannah, 12, and Zoe, nine.
Her husband and six children receive £17,000 a year in benefits.
Mrs Agintas first became pregnant aged 17 by her boyfriend of just a few months.
She said she was delighted by the pregnancy because she had always looked forward to being a mother, and at 6ft, she was 15st.
But it was then that she developed unhealthy cravings for junk food that saw her weight go up and down, throughout the next five pregnancies.

'I ate a jar of pickled onions a day, followed by three cakes and three packets of crisps. For dinner, I’d have two pork chops with veg followed by two Big Mac meals – I ate for two!,' she told Closer.
She moved into a one-bed council flat when she split up with her boyfriend a few months after becoming pregnant.
After giving birth to Gemma, Mrs Agintas weighed 16st and claims she applied for 15 jobs, but gave up looking for work and turned to cheap junk food when she was unsuccessful.
Her weight crept up to 20st in 1990, when she was aged 21 and she measured a size 24.
Then she met a new partner and moved into his three- bedroom council house, quickly falling pregnant with her second child, Lauren.
She gained three stone as her eating habits spiralled out of control, and in one average day she would down three Pot Noodles – at 400 calories a go – two sausage rolls and four packets of crisps.
When she had her third child, Thomas, two years later, she weighed 28st and would think nothing of having four thickly buttered slices of toast for breakfast.
She even fell through the stairs in her house, forcing the council to reinforce the floor.
Mrs Agintas admits doctors insisted that she needed to restrict her food intake and make a drastic change to her diet, but she found it too difficult.
Her children have been raised on a diet of junk food and Mrs Agintas said: 'They ate what I ate – pasties and crisps. I was lazy – it was easier to phone for a takeaway than cook. I gave them chips four times a week,' she told the magazine.
In 1993, Mrs Agintas split with her boyfriend, who left her for another, skinnier woman and was forced to move the family into another three-bed council house.
But her broken heart was mended three years later, when she met her current partner bricklayer Halbin.
After a whirlwind six month romance, the couple were married, although Mrs Agintas could not afford a big enough wedding dress, so was forced to wear a size 30 trousers and blouse.
It was then she began having takeaways meals five nights a week, totalling an eye-watering £200 for the family.
In 1998, she ballooned to 38st after giving birth to fourth child Sam – in the last few months of the pregnancy she gorged on a 24-pack of chocolate bars every day.

She developed high blood pressure due to her unhealthy lifestyle, although she did not have any complications during her pregnancies.

But, in 1999, she piled 2st of the weight back on by the time she had given birth to her fifth child Hannah.
At 34st, Mrs Agintas gave birth to her sixth and final child, Zoe in 2003.
She admits to drinking up to 12 small cans of Heineken a day- 50 units a week- for the last few months of her pregnancy - but insists it was safe because she had watered it down with ice.
Mrs Agintas, who’s now 33st, has tried to encourage her family to eat healthier, but she now suffers from arthritis, diabetes and asthma and believes a gastric bypass is her last and only option.
'I can’t afford a personal trainer or weight-loss surgery – I need help from the taxpayer. I know it’s my fault I’m fat, but my pregnancy cravings meant I couldn’t stop eating,' she told Closer.
source: dailymail
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