By Kirsty Mccormack
I'm out: Crissy Rock was the next female to leave the Australian jungle
She might have been on cloud nine with Peter Andre yesterday but today Crissy came crashing back down to earth as she was the next celebrity to leave the jungle.
The Benidorm actress was delighted as Ant and Dec read her name out to the group and she immediately gave Willie Carson a big hug.
'I'm going home Willie, I'm gonna have my bacon and eggs for ya,' she told him.
Hurrah! The Benidorm star didn't look too bothered about not being in the final of the ITV show
As the group asked her what she needed as she prepared to leave she answered: 'Nothing, I'm going home.'
The blonde star managed 19 days in the jungle and was well-known as the camp jester who was always laughing.
'Freedom!' she shouted as she made her way across the bridge.
'Are you pleased to be out?' Dec asked her.
'No, I'm sad but I already won by getting here, I've had a lovely time. The pinnacle was Peter Andre.'
Reunited: Crissy was met by her friend she posed for photographs on the bridge
She also told them that she was shocked that she lasted so long: 'I was in a coma for the first week, but I was on my holidays.'
She then went on to say that she didn't regret not jumping out of the plane at the beginning of the show but said she's had the 'best laugh' of her life.
The conversation then moved on to the camp traitors and Crissy told the hosts: 'We didn't know it was for the good of the group and we had no idea it was Antony and Dougie.'
'Peter was the pinnacle': The blonde actress was delighted to have spent time in camp with Mr Andre
But after talk of the negative vibes in the camp, Crissy expressed her delight at having spent time with Peter Andre.
'If I'd gone out yesterday and missed that I would have been gutted,' she said.
'He's gonna give me special VIP tickets for me and my friend.'
The last question that Ant and Dec asked Crissy was who she would like to see take home the jungle crown.
'At the minute Willie,' she said. 'Because he's been an absolute sport.
Pleased to be there: Crissy said she was gutted to have left but was surprised she lasted as long as she did
'From day one he's wanted to go home but he's still there so either him or Fatima.'
Perhaps it was her unexpected rant with her 'partner in crime' Willie that lost her votes from the public tonight.
The Scottish star slammed Antony and Dougie after he discovered that they were the real camp traitors.
The star called the pair 'f***ing thieves,' and when they tried to explain themselves, he continued with his opinion.

Still annoyed: Willie and Crissy were angry when they discovered that Antony and Dougie were the real camp traitors
'You don’t steal, you don’t lie,' he said. 'I’m seething, annoyed, these thieves get away with it and we do the time. I’m so f***ing angry.
Willie was told he had to spend the night with Crissy in a dark dungeon after they incorrectly guessed who the traitors were.
'If it was just me, I’d have given you a thump and laughed about it,' he said to Antony and Dougie.
'It's turned nasty, condoning stealing, you can’t do this, condoning thieving, and how can this look good?'
Dougie then tried to apologise while Antony attempted to explain that they thought they were winning packages for everyone and did not know the pair would be imprisoned for it.
In trouble: Antony and Dougie were the target of Willie's ongoing rant
'Willie when you get out of here you will see exactly what happened and you will see that you filled in your own blanks and you are wrong,' said Antony.
'As far as we were aware we were doing it for everyone, we don’t get anything out of it. It’s just a game show!'
But Willie still couldn't let it go and later said: 'He’s lucky I didn’t pull him out of the bed last night, I was very close to it. What you are doing to all the kids in England is condoning stealing.
'You don’t steal, you don’t lie, even in a game show. It is selfishness and I can’t condone it.'
We weren't to know: The pair tried to explain to Willie that they didn't know that he would be punished for what they did
But his anger soon turned into a different kind of emotion as Crissy brought in the packages that Antony and Dougie had won for her and Willie from their loved ones.
Crissy was presented with a photo of her friend, some chocolate and her yin and yan balls, while Willie opened a picture of his wife Elaine.
'The emotion gets to you,' he said as he wiped away a tear.
But this seemed to annoy Antony as he felt Willie didn't appreciate what they had done in order for him to get his precious photograph.
No apology: Willie didn't apologise to the pair even though he also received a present from his loved one
'Morals come and go don’t they? He’s not even had the good grace to apologise.
'The horrible thing is we never did anything but they did say those things and they did react that way,' he added.
'You can’t take that away, it’s a horrible feeling. You can forgive and forget but can’t take it away.'
But Mark Wright defended Crissy and Willie, saying: 'You can understand why they thought like that.'
'I will never understand that because I would not react like that,' Antony snapped back.
'Not with people I have lived with for two weeks.'
However, Crissy didn't seem to hold a grudge against the pair and was kind enough to share her chocolate with the group.
'It’s your birthday please take a bar,' she told Dougie as she sang Happy Birthday to him.
'No hard feelings, we’ve got over it now,' she added as she also handed some to Antony and Mark.
Sharing her stash: Crissy decided to give the group some of her bars of chocolate after she received it from her loved ones
'It wasn’t what you did, it was the way we were treated, it’s not your fault,' she said and then hugged Dougie.
'All I’ll say is you make good spies.'
But the negative vibes in the camp hadn't completely disappeared as Antony continued his feud with Fatima.
Speaking to Dougie - following his attempt at the Bushtucker trial - the Coronation Street star was still talking about Willie's reaction that morning but soon managed to bring Fatima's mood into the equation.
'You get someone like Fatima who in this environment isn’t how she is normally but in here she is like empowering whilst also undercutting, it makes me furious,' he said.
'When you had trial doubts earlier she was straight in there under cutting you, she more than anyone was putting doubt in your mind.
'Undercutting': Antony was annoyed with Fatima as he felt she tried to persuade birthday boy Dougie not to do the trial
'All the time trying to tell you how to empower yourself, I can see it, he added. 'You did it so well done you but you nearly didn’t.'
However, Dougie wasn't bothered as he was celebrating turning 24 and received a surprise in the form of celebrity guest - Peter Andre.
The former I'm A Celebrity contestant spent the day in camp and certainly made an impact on them all.
The former pop star was on hand to give Mark some love advice after he met his ex-wife, Katie Price, during his time in the jungle.
As Mark was sat on his own contemplating his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Lauren Goodger, Peter decided to join him.
Heart-to-heart: Peter was seen giving Mark some advice about his love life
'I don’t know how you feel, or felt, but I’m finding things hard with my ex, but I know it’s not right, Mark said to him.
'I loved Katie more than I loved anyone in my life, we had kids, a marriage and you never loose that,' he replied.
'Why can’t you find a different way?' he added referring to Lauren.
'We tried so many times,' said Mark and then asked Peter how he got over Katie.
'However I look at the situation, it’s not what I wanted,' he answered.
He then pointed to his heart and said: 'I think this has moved on, but this hasn’t,' and pointed to his head.
Private: The pair later moved away from the camp in order to have some privacy
'My heart has moved on, I’m ready to meet someone and all that but seriously, it’s your mind, it’s always there.'
'But I think my head has moved on as I want to be with someone else but my heart won’t move on,' said Mark.
'Then I’m sorry to say it, you’re gonna hate me but you’re not ready to.
'If she means something to you then there has got to be another way,' added Peter.
The pair then moved down to the creek to have some privacy and their conversation continued.
'For years, it’s gone on and on and I know it’s not right,' Mark then told him.
'Ten years is a long time,' remarked Peter.
Make it work: Peter told Mark that if he still has feelings in his heart then he should give it another go with Lauren Goodger
'If this experience has made you clearer in the mind, then great, but it sounds to me that there’s still something there, I can’t imagine her not doing anything to make it right.'
'I know she would,' finished Mark.
Later that day, Peter had a different kind of conversation with another male camp mate as he enjoyed some time in a hot tub.
The camp had been split into two teams for a general knowledge quiz, with Antony, Willie and Dougie playing against Mark, Fatima and Crissy.
The three men were triumphant and their prize was a hot tub party with Peter.
'My hot tub parties usually rock but I’m not in control of this one so anything could happen,' Peter said.
In hot water: Dougie, Antony and Willie won a hot tub session with Peter after they won the quiz in camp
As the group enjoyed some champagne and sang happy birthday to Dougie, Willie accidentally touched Peter’s penis with his toe.
'I didn’t expect at the end of the day to be sharing a hot tub with three guys and Willie has just touched my willy, he gave me a willy wonka,' the star commented.
Willie almost disappeared under the water until he found a high seat.
'I could swim around here if you lot get out!' he said.

Touchy feely: Willie accidentally touched Peter's penis with his toe while in the water
The group returned to the camp feeling a little bit tipsy, and then the group had to wave Peter goodbye.
Before leaving he said: 'Being here this evening changed everything - it brought back every beautiful memory, the sounds, the smell - it just reminded me how I felt in every way.'
'Hungry, in love, hungry, in love and hungry.
'These guys were given an extra meal tonight for me but I’m not going to eat it as it’s a bit of extra food for them will mean so much.'

She might have been on cloud nine with Peter Andre yesterday but today Crissy came crashing back down to earth as she was the next celebrity to leave the jungle.
The Benidorm actress was delighted as Ant and Dec read her name out to the group and she immediately gave Willie Carson a big hug.
'I'm going home Willie, I'm gonna have my bacon and eggs for ya,' she told him.

As the group asked her what she needed as she prepared to leave she answered: 'Nothing, I'm going home.'
The blonde star managed 19 days in the jungle and was well-known as the camp jester who was always laughing.
'Freedom!' she shouted as she made her way across the bridge.
'Are you pleased to be out?' Dec asked her.
'No, I'm sad but I already won by getting here, I've had a lovely time. The pinnacle was Peter Andre.'

She also told them that she was shocked that she lasted so long: 'I was in a coma for the first week, but I was on my holidays.'
She then went on to say that she didn't regret not jumping out of the plane at the beginning of the show but said she's had the 'best laugh' of her life.
The conversation then moved on to the camp traitors and Crissy told the hosts: 'We didn't know it was for the good of the group and we had no idea it was Antony and Dougie.'

But after talk of the negative vibes in the camp, Crissy expressed her delight at having spent time with Peter Andre.
'If I'd gone out yesterday and missed that I would have been gutted,' she said.
'He's gonna give me special VIP tickets for me and my friend.'
The last question that Ant and Dec asked Crissy was who she would like to see take home the jungle crown.
'At the minute Willie,' she said. 'Because he's been an absolute sport.

'From day one he's wanted to go home but he's still there so either him or Fatima.'
Perhaps it was her unexpected rant with her 'partner in crime' Willie that lost her votes from the public tonight.
The Scottish star slammed Antony and Dougie after he discovered that they were the real camp traitors.
The star called the pair 'f***ing thieves,' and when they tried to explain themselves, he continued with his opinion.

Still annoyed: Willie and Crissy were angry when they discovered that Antony and Dougie were the real camp traitors
'You don’t steal, you don’t lie,' he said. 'I’m seething, annoyed, these thieves get away with it and we do the time. I’m so f***ing angry.
Willie was told he had to spend the night with Crissy in a dark dungeon after they incorrectly guessed who the traitors were.
'If it was just me, I’d have given you a thump and laughed about it,' he said to Antony and Dougie.
'It's turned nasty, condoning stealing, you can’t do this, condoning thieving, and how can this look good?'
Dougie then tried to apologise while Antony attempted to explain that they thought they were winning packages for everyone and did not know the pair would be imprisoned for it.

'Willie when you get out of here you will see exactly what happened and you will see that you filled in your own blanks and you are wrong,' said Antony.
'As far as we were aware we were doing it for everyone, we don’t get anything out of it. It’s just a game show!'
But Willie still couldn't let it go and later said: 'He’s lucky I didn’t pull him out of the bed last night, I was very close to it. What you are doing to all the kids in England is condoning stealing.
'You don’t steal, you don’t lie, even in a game show. It is selfishness and I can’t condone it.'

But his anger soon turned into a different kind of emotion as Crissy brought in the packages that Antony and Dougie had won for her and Willie from their loved ones.
Crissy was presented with a photo of her friend, some chocolate and her yin and yan balls, while Willie opened a picture of his wife Elaine.
'The emotion gets to you,' he said as he wiped away a tear.
But this seemed to annoy Antony as he felt Willie didn't appreciate what they had done in order for him to get his precious photograph.

'Morals come and go don’t they? He’s not even had the good grace to apologise.
'The horrible thing is we never did anything but they did say those things and they did react that way,' he added.
'You can’t take that away, it’s a horrible feeling. You can forgive and forget but can’t take it away.'
But Mark Wright defended Crissy and Willie, saying: 'You can understand why they thought like that.'
'I will never understand that because I would not react like that,' Antony snapped back.
'Not with people I have lived with for two weeks.'
However, Crissy didn't seem to hold a grudge against the pair and was kind enough to share her chocolate with the group.
'It’s your birthday please take a bar,' she told Dougie as she sang Happy Birthday to him.
'No hard feelings, we’ve got over it now,' she added as she also handed some to Antony and Mark.

'It wasn’t what you did, it was the way we were treated, it’s not your fault,' she said and then hugged Dougie.
'All I’ll say is you make good spies.'
But the negative vibes in the camp hadn't completely disappeared as Antony continued his feud with Fatima.
Speaking to Dougie - following his attempt at the Bushtucker trial - the Coronation Street star was still talking about Willie's reaction that morning but soon managed to bring Fatima's mood into the equation.
'You get someone like Fatima who in this environment isn’t how she is normally but in here she is like empowering whilst also undercutting, it makes me furious,' he said.
'When you had trial doubts earlier she was straight in there under cutting you, she more than anyone was putting doubt in your mind.

'All the time trying to tell you how to empower yourself, I can see it, he added. 'You did it so well done you but you nearly didn’t.'
However, Dougie wasn't bothered as he was celebrating turning 24 and received a surprise in the form of celebrity guest - Peter Andre.
The former I'm A Celebrity contestant spent the day in camp and certainly made an impact on them all.
The former pop star was on hand to give Mark some love advice after he met his ex-wife, Katie Price, during his time in the jungle.
As Mark was sat on his own contemplating his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Lauren Goodger, Peter decided to join him.

'I don’t know how you feel, or felt, but I’m finding things hard with my ex, but I know it’s not right, Mark said to him.
'I loved Katie more than I loved anyone in my life, we had kids, a marriage and you never loose that,' he replied.
'Why can’t you find a different way?' he added referring to Lauren.
'We tried so many times,' said Mark and then asked Peter how he got over Katie.
'However I look at the situation, it’s not what I wanted,' he answered.
He then pointed to his heart and said: 'I think this has moved on, but this hasn’t,' and pointed to his head.

'My heart has moved on, I’m ready to meet someone and all that but seriously, it’s your mind, it’s always there.'
'But I think my head has moved on as I want to be with someone else but my heart won’t move on,' said Mark.
'Then I’m sorry to say it, you’re gonna hate me but you’re not ready to.
'If she means something to you then there has got to be another way,' added Peter.
The pair then moved down to the creek to have some privacy and their conversation continued.
'For years, it’s gone on and on and I know it’s not right,' Mark then told him.
'Ten years is a long time,' remarked Peter.

'If this experience has made you clearer in the mind, then great, but it sounds to me that there’s still something there, I can’t imagine her not doing anything to make it right.'
'I know she would,' finished Mark.
Later that day, Peter had a different kind of conversation with another male camp mate as he enjoyed some time in a hot tub.
The camp had been split into two teams for a general knowledge quiz, with Antony, Willie and Dougie playing against Mark, Fatima and Crissy.
The three men were triumphant and their prize was a hot tub party with Peter.
'My hot tub parties usually rock but I’m not in control of this one so anything could happen,' Peter said.

As the group enjoyed some champagne and sang happy birthday to Dougie, Willie accidentally touched Peter’s penis with his toe.
'I didn’t expect at the end of the day to be sharing a hot tub with three guys and Willie has just touched my willy, he gave me a willy wonka,' the star commented.
Willie almost disappeared under the water until he found a high seat.
'I could swim around here if you lot get out!' he said.

Touchy feely: Willie accidentally touched Peter's penis with his toe while in the water
The group returned to the camp feeling a little bit tipsy, and then the group had to wave Peter goodbye.
Before leaving he said: 'Being here this evening changed everything - it brought back every beautiful memory, the sounds, the smell - it just reminded me how I felt in every way.'
'Hungry, in love, hungry, in love and hungry.
'These guys were given an extra meal tonight for me but I’m not going to eat it as it’s a bit of extra food for them will mean so much.'
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