
By Daily Mail Reporter

Caught out: Gillian McKeith has been caught with a haul of banned food products which she smuggled into the jungle in her knickers, seen here brazenly holding cumin powder

Gillian McKeith took her trip Down Under to new levels after it emerged she smuggled banned food products into the Australian jungle in her underwear.

The oddball contestant broke strict rules by hiding items including rock salt, garlic powder and soup in secret pockets she had sewn into her knickers.

Food nutritionist Gillian had earlier been caught with contraband when she slipped salt in to her campmates' food, resulting in her jungle jail privileges being removed.

No laughing matter: The phobic food nutritionist stashed certain products in secret pockets she had sewn into her M&S underwear, pictured holding a herb shaker concealed in a toilet roll tube and rock salt

But show bosses were then alerted that Gillian, whose increasingly erratic behaviour has sparked concern in recent days, had more banned goods when Stacey Solomon asked her for 'special stuff' to go in her lunch.

Gillian was then spotted fishing around in her bag, causing producers to demand all contestants to hand over anything they are not allowed to bring into the jungle.

The 51-year-old TV personality then brazenly revealed her haul, which consisted of five pouches Japanese miso soup powder, eight stock cubes and assorted bags of cumin, celery and garlic, rock salt and herbs.

And there's more: From left large bags of celery and garlic powder, herbal seasoning and eight stock cubes

Busted: McKeith is the favourite to be the first celebrity evicted from the jungle tonight, seen here holding a bag of miso soup powder

She was searched before entering the jungle and had a garlic bulb confiscated - but the rest of her stash was missed.

Gillian, who bizarrely claimed to be pregnant in a bid to escape jungle jail earlier this week, bragged: 'I smuggled it all in my knickers.

'I have a small bottom and I just grew it a bit when I came in here. I had special pockets in my Marks & Spencer knickers.

'They are special knickers with secret pockets that I made myself with the purpose of smuggling seasoning in.'

Tonight the public will vote the first celebrity out of the jungle, with bookmakers predicting phobic Gillian as the favourite to go.

Actor Nigel Havers left earlier in the week of his own accord.

McKeith is up for possible eviction alongside Stacey Solomon, Dom Joly, Sheryl Gascoyne, Lembit Opik and Shaun Ryder in tonight's double bill of I'm A Celebrity.

In preparation for her exit from the Australian jungle, her daughters Afton, 10, and Skylar McKeith-Maganize, 16, jetted to Queensland yesterday.

Down Under to see mum: McKeith's daughters Afton (left) and Skylar and seen right, Stacey's mother Fiona Solomon has also flown to Australia with the singer's son Zachary, three, and her boyfriend Aaron Barham

Bookies Paddy Power have given McKeith 6/5 odds of being the first elimination, followed by Sheryl and Lembit with joint odds of 2/1.

McKeith, along with her fellow jungle jail inmates will be given the chance for immunity from the public vote during an overnight challenge.

Each prisoner will be put into separate solitary confinement with a lock requiring twenty keys on each door

Will I stay or will I go? Sheryl Gascoyne is second favourite to leave tonight

They will be able to retrieve 10 keys and gain a head start for freedom by putting their hands in two ‘hell holes’ - each one containing five keys on various puzzles and the usual jungle critters.

However many keys each of the six can retrieve will dictate how much of a head start they get as they can start to release the locks.

The following morning, each of the six celebrities will be served a bowl of gruel – but hidden in the porridge will be all twenty keys.

'I could grow my own moustache': Stacey Solomon jokes around as she and Aggro Santos prepare for the Super Scario trial

Partnership: The task requires Aggro and Stacey to work together as team hanging off the same harness

Given the description of the task, viewers couldn't be blamed for assuming McKeith won't be winning this one.

However, after being subjected to seven trials already, a relieved Gillian was allowed to sit out of the latest Bushtucker Trial on 'medical grounds'.

So instead, X Factor star Stacey and rapper Aggro Santos dressed up like the Mario Bros for the Super Scario trial.

The pair would have to cross a walkway, suspended 18 metres high and release floating stars, with each one worth one meal.

Don't look down: The pair leap through the air suspended 18 metres above the ground

Joined to together by a magnetic tether, they would have to stick together working as a team to ensure that the tether does not come apart otherwise, each time, they would lose a meal for camp.

After dressing in dungarees and putting on a fake moustache, Stacey joked: '“I think I might grow my own (moustache)'.

Viewers will have to wait until tonight's episode to see how many meals they won for camp.

• Due to the football last night, two episodes of I'm A Celebrity will be screened tonight on ITV1 at 8PM and 9.30PM.


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