Thursday, June 30, 2011
10:42 PM
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By Daily Mail Reporter

Popular: Swanley Smith and his 17-year-old bride Josie were among the show's most popular characters
One of the stars of TV's Big Fat Gypsy Weddings was arrested following a brawl at the wedding of one of his own friends.
Swanley Smith, one of the stars of the reality show, was held by police after rival gypsy fighters were embroiled in a punch-up in the car park of a Holiday Inn in Golders Green, north London.
Officers were driving past the venue on Monday night when the fight broke out, it has been reported.
Quizzed: Dad-of-one Swanley, who has just turned 21, was arrested along with two other travellers
According to The Sun, a raucous crowd egged on fighters and a police officer was forced to defend himself with CS spray after he was knocked to the ground when he intervened as two men squared up to each other.
After police managed to stop the fighting, they made three arrests. Dad-of-one Swanley, who turned 21 that day, was quizzed by officers as well as two other travellers aged 17 and 21 years.
A source told The Sun: 'It was all over a massive family feud. There must have been 40 people involved, throwing punches.'
Hitched: Swanley and Josie on their wedding day, which was featured on Channel 4's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
Swanley's mother Christine added: 'It was his 21st birthday, but he was attending a wedding. It wasn't very nice getting arrested.'
A family friend also told The Sun: 'He doesn't want to say anything that might make the situation worse.'
Swanley became famous when he and his 17-year-old bride Josie featured in the Channel 4 series Big Fat Gypsy Weddings.
The pair, who became one of the show's most well-known characters, live on a travellers' site in Caterham, Surrey.
Surprise hit: The Channel 4 show Big Fat Gypsy Weddings fast became essential viewing as traveller families allowed the cameras into their secret world
Secret world: The travelling community's customs and culture were laid bare in the show
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Pippa Middleton
By Tamara Abraham

Retail royalty: Pippa Middleton's Hobbs NW3 dress sold out on the retailer's website after she was seen wearing it two days in a row - for a shopping trip on Tuesday, left, and again for Wimbledon on Wednesday, right
Pippa Middleton loves her favourite red dress so much, she's worn it two days running. And it seems we love it too, as it has now sold out across the UK.
Hobbs NW3's Wyldes shift was a bargain at just £89, reduced in the summer sales from £129, but once the Duchess of Cambridge's sister was seen wearing it for both a shopping trip on Tuesday and Wimbledon yesterday, the retailer's website was slammed with orders.
For the lucky few that managed to get their hands on one of the frocks, which has military-style buttons at the shoulders and pocket, it promises to serve them well.
The 27-year-old proved just how versatile the dress is, teaming it with flats for a trip to Russell & Bromley on the King's Road, then ramping up the style factor the following day with tan espadrille wedges and sunglasses.
With such a bright hue, it is important to keep the accessories simple, and Miss Middleton did just that.
On both occasions she wore simple gold hoop earrings and carried one of her trusty Modalu bags - which, incidentally, also sold out when she was spotted carrying one after the Royal Wedding.
The consumer reaction to Pippa's clothing is beginning to mirror that of her sister's.
Almost everything Catherine has worn since her engagement has sparked a similar response, and Reiss has even had to reissue old stock due to customer demand.
But while the High Street's mass-market appeal helps us identify with the glamorous siblings, they are wise to use high-end designers from time-to-time as well.
Love match: Pippa arrived at Wimbledon yesterday with boyfriend Alex Loudon
Tender: The pair looked loved-up as they watched the match between Roger Federer and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
Alice Temperley, who designed the emerald green gown that Miss Middleton wore to her sister's evening wedding reception, has said that despite customer demand, it was a one-off piece and she will not be making replicas.
She told the Daily Telegraph: 'We'd made it specifically for her and I wasn't going to start trying to capitalise on that.'
Smiles all round: Pippa appeared in good spirits as she arrived at Wimbledon with her mother Carole
By Maysa Rawi
Jet set: Kate Middleton does understated chic as she prepares to board a plane to Canada at Heathrow airport today

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge proved they were in perfect sync as they boarded a plane to Canada today.
Wearing matching navy blue, the couple were pictured on the runway heading to the Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft at London's Heathrow Airport.
They are expected to land in Ottawa at 2pm local time.
Kate was the picture of understated elegance on the runway in a blue shift dress and matching blazer with gold buttons.
She accessoried with blue court shoes and a £895 Mulberry handbag.
William wore a suit of the same colour and a red tie.
With her hair freshly blow-dried, Kate's glossy mane will no doubt continue to look flawless throughout the trip as she is rumoured to be travelling with her hairdresser James Pryce.
Her wardrobe has been kept under wraps but potential outfits have been an endless source of speculation over the last few weeks.
Kate is said to have hired a personal shopper at London department store Selfridges.
But whether she will stick to her favourite High Street stores or mix and match with designer labels remains to be seen.
Either way, the couple are on a tight schedule.
William and Kate's arrival in the Commonwealth country is eagerly anticipated and their appearance later in the capital is expected to draw thousands on to the streets.
They will be celebrating Canada Day in Ottawa, opening the Calgary Stampede and canoeing in the Northwest Territories before taking off to Los Angeles.
Canada's prime minister has even unveiled a personal flag for use during William's visit.
It is the first flag to be created by Canada for a member of the royal family since 1962, when the queen adopted a personal flag for her own use in Canada.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the flag was approved by the queen and William.
The Canadian secretary to Queen Elizabeth II and the chief organizer of the trip Kevin MacLeod said: 'I think given the youth and the dynamism of this couple they will simply continue to reaffirm the important role the crown plays in this country.
The young prince also plans to demonstrate his skills as a helicopter rescue pilot by taking part in a water landing demonstration, and the couple is scheduled to put on aprons and take part in a cooking workshop in Quebec City.
Perfect match: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will land in Ottawa later today to start their ten-day tour in Canada and U.S
Fresh-faced: Kate looked groomed to perfection, with freshly blow-dried hair while William looked elegant in a blue suit and red tie
Some anti-royal protests are expected in the French-speaking province of Quebec, with small groups planning protests in Quebec City and Montreal.
The prince and Kate jet to Los Angeles on July 8 and will host a gala dinner there the next night to introduce up-and-coming British film talent to Hollywood executives.
The southern California trip includes a $4,000 three-course meal and a charity polo match up close with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as they are formally known.
On duty: William talks to James Wright, the Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Private transport: The couple are travelling on the Royal Canadian Air Force plane
So far, about 1,000 VIP tickets have been sold to the polo match along with about 400 general admission passes, raising nearly $4.4 million for the July 9 event. William plans to play in the match, and his wife will award the trophy to the winning team.
William will be celebrating Canada's birthday on Friday, the same day his mother Diana would have turned 50.
He is due to say a few words at a number of stops. Kate is not scheduled to speak.
The couple will travel from the sub-Arctic to oil-rich Calgary, Alberta, from busy Montreal to bucolic Prince Edward Island of "Anne of Green Gables" fame.
They'll sit around a campfire with young people, dress casual for the Calgary rodeo, join a cookout in Quebec City and hand out flags to newly-minted Canadians at a citizenship ceremony.
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By Katie Price

Devoted: Katie Price with her son Harvey, who recently turned nine, says she would never swap him for an able-bodied child
My son, Harvey, turned nine last month, and we held a little party to celebrate.
The only guests were immediate family — too much activity causes Harvey stress and his behaviour can become disruptive — but he did have a big cake decorated with a picture of a frog.
Harvey loves cakes. He always enjoys blowing out the candles, and he adores frogs. They are his latest obsession. He draws them so carefully — the bulging eyes, the long back legs — and colours them in bright green.
At the moment, every scrap of paper in the house is covered in leaping frogs.
The cake and the frog obsession explain a lot about Harvey. Most mothers of nine-year-olds might boast that their child is learning French or the violin. I’m just pleased and proud that Harvey can draw, observe and see colours.
Soon after he was born, I was told he had a serious problem with his sight. Later, I learned that he was blind. Actually, he has some residual vision, and he is brilliant at using it.
He recognises colours and shapes. He has even learned to turn them into pictures.
He draws the same things obsessively, over and over again. First it was aeroplanes, then rainbows, now it’s frogs. That’s down to his autism. Like most children with the condition, he periodically gets fixated on one subject.
He is also compulsive about routines. Nothing must disturb Harvey’s ordered world, or there is hell to pay.
The cake is another matter. Harvey eats and eats, and if I did not stop him he would do so continually. He is prone to weight-gain, but he is not greedy.
Relentless: A scene from Katie: Standing Up For Harvey, shows the glamour model cradling her son Harvey
He has a clinical condition — I’ll come to that later — which means he can’t control his appetite. The hormones that control his growth are also out of kilter. So he is bigger than most kids. But to the ignorant, Harvey is just a big, fat, blind kid — and he has been called that many times.
I’ve only skimmed the surface of the problems facing my much-loved eldest child, but by now you know enough about Harvey’s disabilities to understand the hurdles he leaps each day.
So you will understand the extent of my shock and anger when I learned that Frankie Boyle, the comedian — though he barely deserves the title — had singled my son out to be the butt of a vile ‘joke’.
To convey the full impact of what Boyle said on his Channel 4 ‘comedy’ show last December, I must, I’m afraid, repeat his offensive remarks in full.
To begin with, he said my ex-husband, Peter Andre, and I had been fighting over custody of Harvey. ‘Eventually one of them will lose and have to keep him,’ Boyle said.
That is the type of cruel offence we expect disabled people to accept. If you are disabled, you are a burden, and people want rid of you.
Then Boyle made a remark so offensive it has no place in civilised society.
Referring to my second marriage, to Alex Reid — we have since separated — he said: ‘I have a theory about the reason Jordan married a cage-fighter — she needed a man strong enough to stop Harvey from f***ing her.’
I can’t overstate the outrage and revulsion I felt when I heard this attack on my vulnerable, disabled son. I am used to defending myself against insults and, at times, justified criticism.
I don’t deny there are aspects of my own life and past that have been controversial. I’ve made mistakes in equal measure to my success, but I can answer back — and I do. Harvey can’t.
Boyle’s remark is vile on so many levels. Sadly, I’ve grown used to insensitive jokes about Harvey’s size. When Heat magazine published a sticker with the words ‘Harvey wants to eat me!’ across it, I was appalled.
But at least the magazine apologised. Boyle and Channel 4 have done neither. Boyle’s disgusting suggestion slandered my innocent son and insulted every disabled person in Britain.
Imagine if the reason Boyle gave for saying Harvey was capable of raping me was not because of his disability but because he is black. People would understand how discriminatory that is. It is just as discriminatory when the joke is based on someone’s disability.
That is why I have decided to talk openly, and in detail, about Harvey for the first time.
Tonight my television documentary about him, Katie: Standing Up For Harvey, introduces viewers to my campaign on behalf of every disabled child and adult in Britain.
I hope that, through the programme, Harvey’s disabilities will highlight the difficulties — and also the positives — faced by children with disabilities, and their families.
I have been forced to consider my role in putting Harvey in the firing line for Boyle’s humour. He, and Channel 4, have pointed out that I have put Harvey in the public domain by being photographed and filmed with him.
As a result, I have been accused of hypocrisy. I understand that to an extent, and take it on the chin.
But I have spent a lot of time talking to people and organisations who see Harvey as a positive role model, and I decided it was in my son’s interest — and in the interest of raising disability awareness — that he play a public role.
This is no justification for the discrimination Harvey has suffered. I want people to stop and think before they make crass jokes against people who can’t defend themselves.
Although the media regulator Ofcom upheld 500 complaints about Boyle’s remarks, and condemned Channel 4 for broadcasting them, it didn’t demand an on-air apology. Why not?
The daddy: Former football Dwight Yorke, left, is Harvey's father. Harvey, right as a toddler, was born in 2002 in Brighton
The decision was indefensible. As the broadcaster of the Paralympics, Channel 4 is, I feel, guilty of double-standards. They should never have broadcast Boyle’s foul joke.
Even the Cabinet Minister responsible for broadcasting, Jeremy Hunt — and a committee of MPs — condemned Channel 4, and its boss David Abrahams, for refusing to apologise.
Since April, when Ofcom made its ruling, I have repeatedly asked Boyle, Abrahams and Channel 4 to apologise, to Harvey and to me. They have ignored my requests. Would they have been so blasé if Boyle’s slur had been racist? No chance.
So how would I like Boyle — a father-of-two who, I have since learned, once worked in a care home — to make amends for his insult?
Aside from an apology, I would also like him to learn some respect for those who are not able-bodied. Perhaps he would like to visit Harvey and spend a day in his shoes?
He would learn a valuable lesson. From Harvey’s example, Boyle might just begin to understand the nature of innocence.
Harvey has a greeting he learned from me as a little boy. ‘Hello sweetheart,’ he says, as he rubs his finger along your chin.
He is funny, too, and a wonderful mimic. He catches exactly the tone of his nanny’s voice — I have one day-time helper who does not live in — when she says: ‘See you later. Byeee!’
It is not easy dealing with Harvey’s challenging behaviour. To me, however, he will always be my perfect boy. I would not swap him for an able-bodied child, or send him to live in residential care.
My home will be his until the day I die and beyond — but looking after him is relentless. He can’t be left alone for a moment; we have to watch his every move.
Katie rubs some cream into her son's leg as he sits in his bed before sleeping. She calls looking after Harvey 'relentless'
So how did it all begin? Harvey was born in May 2002 in hospital in Brighton. His dad is the former footballer Dwight Yorke. I was besotted with my first baby (I’ve since had a son, Junior, six, and daughter Princess, four, with Peter Andre).
He was a calm, happy, adorable little boy. But when, at his routine six-week check, doctors told me his eyes were not following a moving object, that they were not focusing properly, I steeled myself for the worst.
But I didn’t cry. I think of myself as resilient, strong and resourceful. I just prepared myself for the journey ahead.
It hasn’t been an easy one. We learned the full extent of Harvey’s disabilities little by little. To the ill-informed, Harvey may just appear to be fat and blind. To those of us who know the details, he faces many physical challenges.
He has septo-optic dysplasia, which causes his vision problems, and abnormalities in the pituitary gland, which controls growth and physical development.
He also has Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic condition affecting the area of the brain that controls appetite. He is always thirsty, and always wants to eat.
Being autistic, he can be disruptive if his routine is suddenly changed without warning.
Harvey has taught me the virtue of patience. And, through him, too, I have learned the value of unconditional love.
My dear mum, Amy, gave up a much-loved job to help me care for him. If I am not there for the school run — and it’s a two-handed job because Harvey’s school is in Kent, while Junior and Princess go to schools in East Sussex — Mum will step in to help our nanny ferry the kids to school.
Happier times: Katie Price with her husband Peter Andre, with whom she had two children, Junior and Princess
Harvey’s morning routine cannot be altered. Sometimes a tiny change in the order of things — his toast cut into the wrong shape at breakfast time or a window slamming — will send him into a frenzy of kicking and punching.
Our TVs are all covered with shatter-proof Perspex panels. I’ve lost count of the number of laptops and screens he has smashed. And if he doesn’t want to get into the car, he will sprawl on the floor, launch his head at a wall, or hit out at anyone in his path.
But on the days when he feels happy, he charms us all. He will sit in the car with me, urging me to go fast over the speed bumps. To Harvey, a car journey can be as much fun as a day at a theme park.
He speaks beautifully — we joke that he is the ‘posh’ member of the family — and his memory is wonderful. Sometimes he’ll repeat phrases we’d rather he forgot. ‘What’s happened to the bloody boiler?’ I heard him parroting the other day, after I’d been complaining months ago about the pool not heating up.
No doubt you’ll be thinking at this point: ‘Isn’t she lucky? She can afford a pool, a lovely home, a nanny.’ Of course, I am so much more fortunate than many parents who are caring, bravely and often without outside help, for disabled children. I know this and I appreciate that, in this respect at least, I am blessed.
Care: Katie soothes Harvey while she has her hair done in a still from tonight's programme
But there would be no difference in the care a boy like Harvey needs whether he was born into privilege or poverty, and I understand the pressure that having such a child can put on any family.
Every day, six times a day, he needs medication to control and treat his various conditions. His drugs must be taken at 7am, 8am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm, 4.30pm and 8pm.
Every night before bed, there are two oral medicines which Harvey likes to take himself, and an injection which I give him (he chooses which leg).
Without his drugs, he dies — it’s as simple as that.
I don’t think about the day I’m no longer here to care for him, though I’ve made financial arrangements for him to be looked after always. As long as I have breath and life, he will live at home with me.
We have good days and bad days, funny days and challenging days, but I do not focus on what Harvey cannot do. He is my son and I love him to bits, which is why I will fight like a tigress for him — and for millions of children like him — against bullies like Frankie Boyle and the broadcasters who air him.
Boyle may think his humour is brave and ground-breaking. I think it’s pitiful, sickening and cruel. If he met my son, I think he’d feel remorse and shame for the remarks he made.
Every day I learn about love, fortitude and patience from Harvey. He is my perfect boy. He is my inspiration.
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News Update

Out and down: Roger Federer slumps in his chair after his surprise exit at the hands of Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
There was shock for a second day running at Wimbledon as Switzerland's Roger Federer crashed out of the tournament in the quarter finals.
The world number three was beaten in an unexpected defeat by French hope Jo-Wilifried Tsonga, who battled the six-times Wimbledon champion in a five set marathon.
It means Andy Murray now has one less challenge to overcome as he aims to win his first Wimbledon title, having breezed past Feliciano Lopez in straight sets in imperious form.
Tsonga's reward for beating Federer is a semi against Novak Djokovic. Murray's victory means he will now face another Spaniard, Rafael Nadal, who made it through to the semi-final by seeing off the challenge of Mardy Fish.
Win: Left, Tsonga celebrates his unexpected victory over six times Wimbledon champion Federer while, right, the Swiss maestro's wife Mirka can't quite believe her eyes
Federer's defeat came after the Swiss had established a strong two-set lead where it seemed he had the game in his stylish white bag.
But in an amazing comeback that stunned the crowd, Tsonga snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by beating Federer three sets to two, winning six games to four in the final set.
A delighted Tsonga performed a victory dance as Roger quietly walked from the court he has come to call his own over the past eight years.
After his match Murray said he was surprised at Federer's exit but that Tsonga had simply played too well for even the Swiss legend to cope.
In reverse: Perennial underachiever Tsonga, left, consoles one of the greatest players in history after his shock victory over Federer
A pat on the back: Federer has the class to acknowledge Tsonga on a job well done
'I don't think Roger played a bad match,' said Murray.
Sometimes other guys just play too good.'
Confident Federer fans looked jubilant as Federer easily took the first two sets.
But their smiles faded as he lost the third set and it became clear he could not push back against Tsonga's unwavering energy.
'I could get used to this': Tsonga is mobbed by fans clamouring for an autograph as he leaves the court after his shock victory
It's all a bit of a blur: Federer can't find an answer to Tsonga's onslaught as he prowls the baseline
Court appearance: Anna Wintour is jubilant early on in Federer's match, while right, Chelsy Davy looks tense in the face of reports today that on-off boyfriend Prince Harry has a new girlfriend, Florence Brudenell-Bruce
Fans: Pippa Middleton is flanked by mother Carole and boyfriend Alex Loudon as they watch Federer play
source: dailymail
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Ryan Dunn
By Daily Mail Reporter

Vandalized: The site where Jackass star Ryan Dunn was killed in a car accident last week was sprayed with graffiti over night
The fatal crash site where Jack ass star Ryan Dunn was killed in a car accident last week has been vandalised.
The road-side area in West Goshen, Pennsylvania, where the fatal accident took place had become a shrine to the reality prankster but was last night spray painted with the words 'Ritch Pr*ck' (sic).
It is unknown who was responsible for the vandalism however police were aware of the situation.
Ryan, 34, who has starred in all five of the Jackass films as well as the MTV television series, was killed in the early hours of June 20 when his his sports car flew off the road around 2.30am while he was driving to his home following a night out in a bar with friends.
Police said they found the burning wreckage of his 2007 Porsche 911 GT3, which was capable of reaching 190mph, in the woods off the road fully engulfed in flames.
His body was so badly burnt that he had to be identified by his tattoos, NBC Philadelphia reported.
Dunn was the registered owner of the $100,00 vehicle and was driving at the time, according to police.
Ryan's passenger and friend, 30-year-old Zachary Hartwell, was also killed instantly.
Hateful slur: The words 'Ritch Pr*ck' were written in black spray paint on the guard rail
A shrine: Fans had left flowers and messages of condolence next to the side of the road
Ryan Dunn's Jackass co-star Bam Margera broke down into floods of tears as he visited the spot where his best friend lost his life in a horror 130mph car smash.
An inconsolable Bam spoke to a local news station and was so distraught he could barely put his loss into words.
'It was the worst phone call I ever got in my life waking up to that,' the 31-year-old wept.
Margera, who was in Arizona at the time of the crash, visited the crash scene in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening.
He was visibly overcome with emotion, rocking back and forth in agony at the guardrail that the car crashed through.
'I've never lost anybody that I cared about. It's my best friend,' he told local TV station WTXF, weeping.
'He was the happiest person ever, the smartest guy. He had so much talent, and he had so many things going for him. This is not right, not right.'
Margera stood at the guardrail that Dunn pierced with his Porsche Monday morning with such force that the car slammed through about 40 feet of trees before exploding into flames.
When asked how he'd get through this ordeal, Bam replied: 'I can't. I can't.'
Up in flames: Ryan Dunn's car was unrecognisable after turning into a fire ball on impact
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Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez
By Daily Mail Reporter

Thirsty work: Justin Bieber required a caffeine hit today as he accompanied Selena Gomez to an early morning appearance on Fox & Friends in Manhattan, today
He's used to being the star of the show, but today Justin Bieber was the support act as he joined his girlfriend Selena Gomez on her promotional trail for her new movie and album.
The 17-year-old accompanied his 18-year-old love to an early morning appearance on Fox & Friends in Manhattan.
The pop star appeared a little weary though, and stopped for a caffeine fix while on the run.
Clutching an Au Bon take-away coffee, the teen sensation eagerly sipped what seemed like a much needed pick-me-up.
Trying not to steal the limelight from Selena, Justin dressed down for the occasion in a pair of charcoal jeans and a black t-shirt.
But with his signature red baseball cap perched firmly on his head, there was no doubt the chart-topping singer was present.
Selena looked sensational in a slinky knee-length purple coloured sating frock, which she paired silver pointed toe heels.
Purple reign: Selena looked sensational in a slinky knee-length purple coloured sating frock, which she paired silver pointed toe heels
The dress accentuated the singer's glowing olive complexion and she wore minimal make-up on her flawless and youthful face.
And while Selena looked all grown up for her promotional appearance, on the show Selena said that she would not be completed ditching her Disney roots.
'I have finished with Disney Channel, but that does not mean that I want to completely disown the fact that I do have a younger generation looking up at me,' she said.
'I feel like I’ve done the best I can. If I make my family proud and if I make my fans proud that’s all that matters to me.'
Sip: Clutching an Au Bon take-away coffee, the teen sensation eagerly sipped his much needed pick me up
Supporting each other's careers is just another sign that the couple relationship is getting stronger and closer as days go by.
Last week, even after surviving a reported fan attack at Macy’s Herald Square in New York, Justin made sure to pick himself up and head to Selena’s film premiere.
Bieber there met up his girlfriend to support her at the premiere for Monte Carlo – her new romantic comedy that also stars Leighton Meester and Katie Cassidy.
Days before he also wrapped a protective arm around Selena when she hosted the MuchMusic Video Awards awards ceremony.
Busy: In addition to his own heavy workload, Justin has been busy playing doting boyfriend to Selena, as she continues her promotional trail for her new movie and album
Selena had had a rocky few weeks after she fell ill and was admitted into hospital for 24 hours with malnutrition earlier this month.
The awards was Selena's first public appearance since her dramatic hospital dash.
Bieber took to the stage to accept an award, which he shared with hip hop star Drake, after they were named joint winners of best international Canadian video.
Selena has been having a ball celebrating her new romantic comedy with her female co-stars over the last couple of weeks.

Doting: Justin also wrapped a protective arm around Selena when she hosted the MuchMusic Video Awards awards ceremony earlier this month
The film sees three young women on holiday in Paris and find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.
Selena stars in the film alongside two of Gossip Girl’s actresses Leighton Meester and Katie Cassidy.
Monte Carlo is set to be released next month, so Selena was keen to promote her new project to her fans.
Selena is currently promoting her hit song 'Who Says' which she performs with her group Selena Gomez and The Scene.
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Nadya Suleman
By Daily Mail Reporter

Love lost? Octomom's Nadya Suleman says that she 'hates' her eight babies and has called her older six children 'animals'
She is the mother of fourteen children, who gave birth to the longest surviving octuplets in U.S history.
But in disturbing comments sure to alarm social services, Octomom's Nadya Suleman has said she 'hates' her eight babies.
The 36-year-old single mother also calls her six older children 'animals'.
'I hate the babies, they disgust me,' she told InTouch magazine. 'My older six are animals, getting more and more out of control, because I have no time to properly discipline them.'
In a picture taking by the magazine, one child is seen eating dry-wall in her run-down home.
Suleman says that her dream of having a big family has now turned into her worst nightmare as she struggles to take care of her huge family.
Having a break? Suleman was seen today without her brood leaving the Howard Stern studios in New York City
'The only way I can cope is to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. Sometimes I sit there for hours and even eat my lunch sitting on the toilet floor. Anything to get peace and quiet,' she said.
The reality TV mother has even considered suicide.
'Some days I have thought about killing myself. I cannot cope,' she said.
Looking pleased: The mother-of-fourteen had a sly grin on her face as she left the Manhattan studios
In another breath, Suleman tries to insist that she still has love for her children, but says in hindsight she wishes that she never gave birth to any of them.
'Obviously I love them - but I absolutely wish I had not had them,' she said.
The reality TV mother is also in financial hot water, especially when it comes to her home in La Hambra, California.
Struggling: Suleman says that her dream of having a big family has now turned into her worst nightmare as she struggles to take care of her huge brood
Up until recently, Suleman has managed to avoid being kicked out of the property for months, even though she has been facing foreclosure since last year after failing to meet monthly payments.
But now the man who sold the property to Suleman's father Ed Doud has recoiled and taken serious actions to get her and her children removed.
The mother says she has not got a penny to her name and cannot even effort to put food on the table.
'My bank account is overdrawn by $300 and Have no money to pay for the children's school, food or the mortgage.'
Suleman, who is currently on unemployed and public assistance programs, may however have found a way to boost her income.
She recently filmed an episode of a new TV celebrity dating show called Celebridate, for the cable network HDNet.
The unusual star has admitted that, having never dated before, this is a big step for her.
She says that she has been celibate for 12 years and has only slept with an ex-boyfriend and the sperm donor of her children.
But there is no doubt that Suleman is confident of her ability to attract the other sex.
'Ever since I was little, I was aware that men wanted me and the hardest thing was keeping them away,' she said.
Celebridate, which premières in October, is to be hosted by Blind Date's Roger Lodge and will reportedly also feature Superman's Dean Cain.
Nadya delivered all eight of her octuplets, including two daughters and six sons in January 2009.
Before that she gave birth to all of her other six children, the first being a son called Elijah in 2001.
By Sadie Whitelocks

High feat: Christian Louboutin has designed a pair of eight-inch stilettos for a silent charity auction which closes at 10.30pm tonight to help raise funds for the English National Ballet
You can't turn the page of a magazine without seeing the likes of Victoria Beckham or Coleen Rooney teetering around in a pair of sky-high Christian Louboutins.
But now the 47-year-old, French shoe designer has taken height to the next level producing a pair of eight-inch, red-soled stilettos.
Based on the ballet shoe, the towering silk and Swarovski-encrusted heels are being auctioned off along with a number of other fashion wares to raise funds for the English National Ballet (ENB).
These are one of a number of unique lot items which have been specifically created by some of the leading names in fashion.
Designers including Erdem, Giles Deacon, Moschino, Roksanda Ilincic and Julien Macdonald have donated ballet-inspired pieces, modelled by professional dancers.
The current sale - which is hoped to raise over £50,000 for the ENB - comes following the Arts Council's decision to cut its grant by around £2 million.
Louboutin said: 'I could not help being inspired by English National Ballet... after all... isn’t the classical dancing ballet slipper the ultimate heel?
'The heel which makes dancers closer than any other women to the sky, closer to heaven!'
Test run: A dancer tries on the latest pair of stilettos from Christian Louboutin, which are based on the ballet pointe shoe
Without raising necessary funds the world famous ballet company will be forced to cutback performances and touring.
The Summer Party Silent Auction opened last Thursday and will close at 10.30pm tonight.
Roksanda Ilincic added: 'It was a challenge to develop an individual slant on a piece that’s so famous for looking a certain way but a challenge is always inspiring.
Inspiration: A dancer showcasing one of the lot items designed by Erdem who has used ballet as a theme for his current fashion collections

Centre stage: Giles Deacon's tutu is based on the character of the Black Swan in Swan Lake
'Also, I think every girl has her fantasy ballet tutu in mind so to have the opportunity to create has been magical.'
Founded in 1950 by Dame Alicia Markova and Sir Anton Dolin, the English National Ballet employs 65 dancers and a symphony orchestra.
There has traditionally been collaboration between ballet and fashion dating back to Coco Chanel and dance director Sergei Diaghilev in the 1920s.